Derek Ross

Derek Ross is currently on a #300RaceMission. This journey to push himself physically has led to him embracing a more active and productive lifestyle. As he continues to run races and participate in mud obstacle courses, he relishes in the opportunity to see the word "Finish" at the end of the race. 

Davidson's Organic Teas provides an amazing variety of hot and cold teas that are suitable to Derek's busy lifestyle. In Derek's opinion, there's nothing like a nice, hot cup of Ginger Chai, or a refreshing glass of Lemon Ginseng Green Ice to help bring some flavor to his day. For relaxation after an intense training session, Derek feels that a cup of Decaffeinated Earl Grey is exactly what the body needs to rest. 

To keep up with Derek's #100RaceMission, visit his website.

Or, follow his journey in real-time by visiting his Instagram: @reallyderekross

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